Yes, stories really do work!

Old BookLast Friday, I went to a local ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) meeting.  The speaker, Kordell Norton, told us that a great way to begin presentations is with a story.  Kordell gave us lots of pointers including:

  • The first 30 seconds sets the tone for the presentation.
  • Find your stories in every day life.
  • Just begin the story – no introductions to it, no telling them it is a story.
  • Take each segment of the story and add humor to it.
  • While telling your story, add pauses and vary the pitch.

Kordell told the story well and set a very positive tone to the training.  So, I decided to try a story this morning for a program.  Before the program, I was introducing our new “Text a Librarian” service.  Therefore, I picked a story about getting a text from my niece and how I used the wrong text acronym.  I actually got laughs!

Do you use stories in your training?  How do you use them?

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